Here are events and activities scheduled for October 2008
October 2008 1st- - Health and Wellness Fair
- Letter Day!
- Tie
Dye & Pizza Recruitment Activity 4:30-6:30
- Movies
and Puzzles 10-11pm
- Home Volleyball Game 7pm
2nd - Dinner Date Party With Phi Delts 7:30pm - 10pm
3rd 5th 6th - Luminaries for Alcohol
Awareness 6:30-8:30pm
8th - Letter Day
- Alcohol Awareness Speaker 8-9pm
9th 10th - All Greek Letter Day
- Fall Break Begins
15th 16th 17th 21st - Salsarita's
Fundraiser Day 11am
22nd 23rd - St. Jude Writing
Campaign 6-11:30pm
24th - All Greek Letter Day
- Charity Golf Tournament
25th 29th - Badge Day
- Trick or Treat Night With Kids
Phi Sigma Sigma * Westminster * Maryland * US * 21157